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The Marmitek AWM2 micro-module is the first to market of the new breed of modules supporting ACT's A10 (Advanced X10)…
Similar to the Mini Controller the IR Controller (IR543 / IR7243) allows you to operate up to 16 modules via…
The Mini Controller (MC460) allows up to 8 individual or groups of modules to be controlled. The modules can be…
The X10 Maxi Controller (SC503) can control all 16 unit addresses on any one house code with individual buttons. The…
The long awaited CM12U finally reaches the UK. On receiving the unit you open the box to find a CD…
The PHC03/SD533 SunDowner controller is that venerable old trooper the MC460 mini-controller, but with one crucial difference - it's had…
The MT7222/MT10 (why is it that every X10 module has about a million different model numbers?) is the bastard offspring…
What the Heck? Yesterday a package arrived containing a prototype of a new X10 device, the IR543AH. So what the…
Comfort have added the AWM2 A10 Appliance Module (16A retro-fittable X10 Module) to their "Hot Deals" page. The price has…
The Marmitek AWM2 micro-module is the first to market of the new breed of modules supporting ACT's A10 (Advanced X10)…
The final tests are taking place on the latest incarnation of the IR543AH, the "Mark2". Newly updated with the extended…
Laser and Lets Automate are now stocking the new AWM2 MicroModule! At only 46x46x16mm it's very small and can…
"NEWS!! Now available with momentry output for connection to X10 etc... The Multi-way Sensor Switch is a new concept in…
Just received this from Lets Automate - "The camera and built-in transmitter are powered separately, so the camera is always on,…
New Pan & Tilt Cam from X10 - no idea when/if this is available in UK... "Introducing the most exciting…
The new TM13U transceiver module with improved reliability over the TM12U. The TM13U handles 5A load versus the TM12U 10A...…